Boudoir Noir presents the Blue Moon Cabaret - The Decadent Burlesque Soirée The Blue Moon Cabaret - the decadent burlesque soirée Blue Moon Cabaret - info Blue Moon Cabaret - dates Blue Moon Cabaret - tickets Blue Moon Cabaret - photos Blue Moon Cabaret - contact

impressions of the past Blue Moon Cabaret events:

Boudoir Noir production presents finest vintage entertainment in roaring twenties atmosphere: the Blue Moon Cabaret – the Decadent Burlesque Soiree – edition no1. With international burlesquedancers Xarah von den Vielenregen from Germany, Colette Collerette from Belgium and Emilie Loison from France. Boudoir Noir production presents finest vintage entertainment in roaring twenties atmosphere: the Blue Moon Cabaret – the Decadent Burlesque Soiree – edition no 2. With international boylesque and burlesquedancers Anja Pavlova from Russia, The Flying Willy from Belgium and Miss Ann Thropy from France.

Boudoir Noir production presents finest vintage entertainment in roaring twenties atmosphere: the Blue Moon Cabaret – the Decadent Burlesque Soiree – edition no 3. With international burlesquedancers Golden Treasure from Germany, Parfait de la Neige from Catalonia and Mara De Nudee from France. Boudoir Noir production presents finest vintage entertainment in roaring twenties atmosphere: the Blue Moon Cabaret – the Decadent Burlesque Soiree – edition no 4. With international burlesquedancers Hazel Honeysuckle from the USA, Talulah Blue from the UK and Pepper Sparkles from Finland.

Boudoir Noir production presents finest vintage entertainment in roaring twenties atmosphere: the Blue Moon Cabaret – the Decadent Burlesque Soiree – edition no 5. With international burlesquedancers Selene du Styx fro France, Tronicat la Miez from Germany and Fanny Damour from Italy. Boudoir Noir production presents finest vintage entertainment in roaring twenties atmosphere: the Blue Moon Cabaret – the Decadent Burlesque Soiree – edition no 6. With international boylesque and burlesquedancers Tronicat la Miez from Germany, Arvidius from Belgium and Chi Chi Bouvet from Germany.

Boudoir Noir production presents finest vintage entertainment in roaring twenties atmosphere: the Blue Moon Cabaret – the Decadent Burlesque Soiree – edition no 7. With international burlesquedancers Fraulein Frauke from Sweden, Deena Ray from the Netherlands and Xarah von den Vielenregen from Germany. Boudoir Noir production presents finest vintage entertainment in roaring twenties atmosphere: the Blue Moon Cabaret – the Decadent Burlesque Soiree – edition no 8. With international boylesque and burlesquedancers Marianne Cheesecake from England, Tom Harlow from Scottland and Bella A Go Go from Ireland.

Boudoir Noir production presents finest vintage entertainment in roaring twenties atmosphere: the Blue Moon Cabaret – the Decadent Burlesque Soiree – edition no 9. With international burlesquedancers Red Juliette from Poland, Miss Cool Cat from Czech Republic and Madame Romanova from Russia. Boudoir Noir production presents finest vintage entertainment in roaring twenties atmosphere: the Blue Moon Cabaret – the Decadent Burlesque Soiree – edition no 10. With international burlesquedancers Silly Thanh from Switzerland, Mamzelle Plumti from France and Sina King from Australia.

Boudoir Noir production presents finest vintage entertainment in roaring twenties atmosphere: the Blue Moon Cabaret – the Decadent Burlesque Soiree – edition no 11. With international boylesque and burlesquedancers Lady Wildflower from the UK, Aleksei Von Wosylius from France and Xarah von den Vielenregen from Germany. Boudoir Noir production presents finest vintage entertainment in roaring twenties atmosphere: the Blue Moon Cabaret – the Decadent Burlesque Soiree – edition no 12. With international burlesquedancers Miss Chrissy Kiss from Estonia, Selene du Styx from France and Flora Gattina from The Netherlands.

Boudoir Noir production presents finest vintage entertainment in roaring twenties atmosphere: the Blue Moon Cabaret – the Decadent Burlesque Soiree – edition no 13. With international burlesquedancers Domino Barbeau from the UK, Golden Treasure from Germany and Kirby Marzelle from the USA. Boudoir Noir production presents finest vintage entertainment in roaring twenties atmosphere: the Blue Moon Cabaret – the Decadent Burlesque Soiree – edition no 14. With international boylesque and burlesquedancers Yazz from Czechia, John Celestus from Greece and Ruby Colibri from Belgium

Boudoir Noir presents - the Blue Moon Cabaret! A roaring twenties burlesqueshow with vintage showgirls, burlesque and boylesque dancers from all over the world. International burlesque at its best! Sold out edition no. 15 with burlesquedancer Xarah von den Vielenregen from Gremany, Collette Collerette from Belgium, Mama Ulita from Germany. Finest vintage entertainment.Boudoir Noir presents - the Blue Moon Cabaret! A roaring twenties burlesqueshow with vintage showgirls, burlesque and boylesque dancers from all over the world. International burlesque at its best! Sold out edition no. 16 with burlesquedancer Xarah von den Vielenregen, Joshua Dean from the USA, Tansy from the USA and Janet Fischietto from Italy. Finest vintage entertainment.


Boudoir Noir presents - the Blue Moon Cabaret! A roaring twenties burlesqueshow with vintage showgirls, burlesque and boylesque dancers from all over the world. International burlesque at its best! Sold out edition no. 17 with burlesquedancer Xarah von den Vielenregen, Dia Decadence from Germany, Miss Dion from the Netherlands, Ruby Colibri from Belgium and Sucre d*Orge from France. Finest vintage entertainment.